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Join Spitch and BBBank at INNOVATIONSforBANKS 2023

17 octobre 2023
Cologne, Germany
Location: Cologne, Germany

Join Spitch and BBBank at INNOVATIONSforBANKS 2023

Join Spitch and BBBank at INNOVATIONSforBANKS 2023

spitch news INNOVATIONS_for BANKS 2023 BBBANK (1).jpgIn the world of banking, innovation is more than just an idea; it is the transformation of ideas into reality. Join us for fresh insights and dynamic discussions at INNOVATIONSforBANKS 2023, October 17-18, 2023 in Cologne, Germany.

Discover the Future of Banking Innovation

Spitch, a leader in conversational AI, will showcase groundbreaking solutions at our booth and share insights on how conversational AI is reshaping the banking landscape.

BBB Bank: Redefining Customer Service and Efficiency

BBBank, a pioneering cooperative bank, will take you through their journey with Spitch Virtual Assistants and how they are redefining customer service and driving efficiency.

Get your ticket for October 17-18 here:

We look forward to seeing you there!